Business Valuations Sydney :: Business Valuations By Certified Business Valuers


Business Valuations Sydney – Melbourne – Brisbane – Canberra – Adelaide – Perth – New Castle : Services provided by Xcllusive Business Agency

Business Valuations Sydney – Melbourne – Brisbane – Canberra – Adelaide – Perth – Newcastle
: Services provided by Xcllusive Business Agency

Business Valuations

Sydney – Melbourne – Brisbane – Canberra – Adelaide – Perth – Newcastle

: Services provided by Xcllusive Business Agency

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What business valuation is and isn't

Why you need an experienced valuer and why software based valuations won’t produce accurate results

What business valuation is and isn't

Why you need an experienced valuer and why software based valuations won’t produce accurate results

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Business Valuation

A business valuation is not the amount that the business can definitely be sold for. A business valuation is simply the opinion of an expert who understands the field in which the assets are being valued and has acquired, through proper investigation, all necessary data and facts about the business being valued.


Following this, the expert will then evaluate this data and run a comparison with internal and external forces affecting the enterprise. This, together with market data, historical sales and other possible investments compared to this business, the valuer can then establish their opnion of the business value.

business valuation Team Photo

The emphasis here is on expert opinion and possible business value. The only way to determine the exact value of the business is to arrange an arms length transaction of that business.

The international value standards (IVS) refer to market value as follows-

“Market value is the estimate and amount for which an asset is to exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer, and willing seller, in an arms length transaction wherein each of the parties has acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion.


Most Valuations are not commissioned for the purpose of selling the business on the open market as an arms length transaction. It is far more common for valuations to be commissioned for the purposes of determining the value of the business that will not go on the open market.

business valuation infographic

Baring all of these facts in mind, it is very important, when doing the Valuation, to find the right expert who will produce a logical and factual Valuation backed by evidence that will help you through your decision process or resolution quickly and efficiently. So to find out more call us any time including after hours and weekends or fill in the form below.

Importance of Business Valuation

Business owners spend considerable time and energy trying to enhance company value by developing growth plans with well-defined goals. These plans are designed to maximize value over time, but it’s hard to achieve those goals without knowing where to begin.


Not only do owners need to understand what their business is worth today, they also need to know what supports and drives that value.  Far too often, owner overconfidence or apathy causes this step to either be neglected or downplayed, or at a minimum, based on incomplete data or conjecture. 


In this case, a valuation usually serves as a reality check for owners with a biased or uninformed viewpoint on what their business is worth.

Reasons Why People Get Business Valuations

Partnership Dissolution

Family Matters

business valuation

Divorce settlements

business valuation

Raising the Capital Finance

business valuation

Determining a by-in price

Estate planning

Why would a business owner want a valuation?

The traditional answer is that valuations are needed to resolve tax or legal issues.  However, valuations are actually performed for a myriad of reasons, including but certainly not limited to selling or acquiring a business.  In the cases of death, disability, disaster or divorce, valuations are needed to equitably determine the business assets according to terms spelled out in legal filings.


Valuations are often needed when gifting or donating company stock as part of a charitable contribution, in resolving IRS or shareholder disputes, or when converting a C-corporation to an S-corporation.  There could be requirements in a buy/sell, partnership or shareholder agreement that necessitates a business valuation.


In addition, owners would generally perform a valuation when attempting to raise strategic capital or obtaining a Small Business Association (SBA) loan.  Implementing an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) would certainly necessitate an initial and annual valuation.

Moreover, a formal business valuation can help to reconcile perceived opinions on value, and coupled with a marketability analysis, it can help a business owner determine relative value in the marketplace.

Enquire Now About An Expert Business Valuation - Call Us Today on: 1800 825 831


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    Xcllusive Awards 2022


    ***The most honest and intuitive organisation***

    “I can honestly say, as a person who has now sold three businesses in the past 8 years, Xcllusive is far and away the most honest and intuitive organisation that I have had the pleasure of dealing with.”

    Leon J. – Import and Wholesaling business

    What business valuation is and isn't

    Why you need an experienced valuer and why software based valuations won’t produce accurate results

    Business Valuation

    A business valuation is not the amount that the business can definitely be sold for. A valuation is simply the opinion of an expert who understands the field in which the assets are being valued and has acquired, through proper investigation, all necessary data and facts about the business being valued.


    Following this, the expert will then evaluate this data and run a comparison with internal and external forces affecting the enterprise. This, together with market data, historical sales and other possible investments compared to this business, the valuer can then establish their opnion of the business value.

    business valuation Team Photo

    The emphasis here is on expert opinion and possible business value. The only way to determine the exact value of the business is to arrange an arms length transaction of that business.

    The international value standards (IVS) refer to market value as follows-


    “Market value is the estimate and amount for which an asset is to exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer, and willing seller, in an arms length transaction wherein each of the parties has acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion.”


    Most Valuations are not commissioned for the purpose of selling the business on the open market as an arms length transaction. It is far more common for valuations to be commissioned for the purposes of determining the value of the business that will not go on the open market. These instances may include-

    business valuation infographic

    Baring all of these facts in mind, it is very important, when doing the Valuation, to find the right expert who will produce a logical and factual Valuation backed by evidence that will help you through your decision process or resolution quickly and efficiently. So to find out more call us any time including after hours and weekends or fill in the form below.

    Importance of Business Valuation

    Business owners spend considerable time and energy trying to enhance company value by developing growth plans with well-defined goals. These plans are designed to maximize value over time, but it’s hard to achieve those goals without knowing where to begin.


    Not only do owners need to understand what their business is worth today, they also need to know what supports and drives that value.  Far too often, owner overconfidence or apathy causes this step to either be neglected or downplayed, or at a minimum, based on incomplete data or conjecture. 


    In this case, a valuation usually serves as a reality check for owners with a biased or uninformed viewpoint on what their business is worth.

    Reasons Why People Get Business Valuations

    Partnership Dissolution

    Family Matters

    business valuation

    Divorce settlements

    business valuation

    Raising the Capital Finance

    business valuation

    Determining a by-in price

    Estate planning

    Why would a business owner want a valuation?

    The traditional answer is that valuations are needed to resolve tax or legal issues.

    However, valuations are actually performed for a myriad of reasons, including but certainly not limited to selling or acquiring a business.  In the cases of death, disability, disaster or divorce, valuations are needed to equitably determine the business assets according to terms spelled out in legal filings.

    Valuations are often needed when gifting or donating company stock as part of a charitable contribution, in resolving IRS or shareholder disputes, or when converting a C-corporation to an S-corporation.  There could be requirements in a buy/sell, partnership or shareholder agreement that necessitates a business valuation.

    In addition, owners would generally perform a valuation when attempting to raise strategic capital or obtaining a Small Business Association (SBA) loan.  Implementing an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) would certainly necessitate an initial and annual valuation.

    Moreover, a formal business valuation can help to reconcile perceived opinions on value, and coupled with a marketability analysis, it can help a business owner determine relative value in the marketplace.

    Enquire Now About An Expert Business Valuation – Call Us Today on: 1800 825 831



    Fill In The Form Below and One Of Our

    Experienced Team Members Will Contact You:


      Xcllusive Awards 2022


      ***The most honest and intuitive organisation***

      “I can honestly say, as a person who has now sold three businesses in the past 8 years, Xcllusive is far and away the most honest and intuitive organisation that I have had the pleasure of dealing with.”

      Leon J. – Import and Wholesaling business